Theo Parrish: a man who makes all the track makers give up on making good music. I just can not believe that he made this album when he was 28. How can that possible? I can not stop thinking about how rich the music culture is in Detroit/Chicago. This LP is just a miracle.
全てのトラックメーカーを絶望させる男、Theo Parrish。28歳でこのアルバムを作ったってことが奇跡だし、Detroit/Chicagoという土地が持つ音楽性の豊かさに頭を巡らさざるを得ません。下にYoutubeの全曲リスト貼っておきますので、全しばきマスト!
Title: Parallel Dimensions
Artist: Theo Parrish
Label: Ubiquity/California
Year: 2000
Format: LP
Condition: <vinyl> EX- <cover> EX(with shrink)